Desperately Seeking Something

Today I am seeking myself.
The most elusive creature
known to me. Always hiding
and shying away from living
in the light. Fearing, fearing,

Saturday, September 15, 2012



Ever here the saying, "If it ain't broke don't fix it"? Well, hello!
Why are sites always making unnecessary changes ? For those
not in the know, I am a technophobe. I struggle every day to
rise above my fears of the cyber world and all that it employs.
The truth is I really want to learn all that I can about utilizing  the
functions of a computer. There is just so much to catch up on and
I'm not sure I can deal without folding. Talk about learning a
whole new language. I've been trying to learn Spanish since junior
high and I'm still trying to master the alphabet. I haven't given up
yet. Sooo...

Sunday, March 4, 2012



2012, March 4. Right? It's so hard keeping up with this year.
Let's see. Two months back I finally scored a job working in a
day care. I had been looking to get back into this type of work
since my layoff in 2009. Unfortunately, it also brings with it the things I wanted to leave behind, like, childhood illnesses, unreasonable parents, unappreciative bosses, low pay grades, etc., etc.. But I love the kids. You make sacrifices. A lot of them. 
The idea of writing a children's book has cropped up again. Have I mentioned that before? No. Well, it's always been a plan of mine like going back to school. I have some new concepts on what I would like to write about. I have even come up with an idea for a new transition item for the toddler classroom. I have to research it to make sure no one else has already put it on the market. Yes, so as anyone can see, I too want to profit from a money making idea of my own like every other sentient being who's tired of living hand to mouth. There is no such thing as evil money. It's what you do with it and I want to spend, spend, spend! Oh, and I would also like to share with the less fortunate.   

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's A New Year, It's A New Day

Yes, it's a new year and a new day and I'm not going to
raise hell. I never do . Hmmm. Maybe I'll start a little something.
I know, I know. That just isn't my bag. I don't start trouble. I'm off
the radar of fun. I am in need of a doppleganger of who I can lay
all my bad on. Wouldn't that be cool? There is a bad girl in me who 
wants to get out and play. The good girl wants to play too. My sense 
of girl do goody is wound so tight I may as well be crapping jelly 
beans and gum drops. Yeah, right I'm just not that sweet. No one is.
I have a trash bin of dirty thoughts that needs deleted on a daily basis.
If I didn't live such an introverted existance, God knows what kind
of life I would be living at this moment. Surely one that was more ex-
citing than the one I'm living now because few things would hold me
back from living life the way it was meant to be lived. I have missed
a lot. A LOT!