Desperately Seeking Something

Today I am seeking myself.
The most elusive creature
known to me. Always hiding
and shying away from living
in the light. Fearing, fearing,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's On My Mind/ I Forget

     Should you be firing on all cylinders when you reach a certain age? Let's say forty-something, for example. I'm not as quick in completing a thought as I use to be. I will be concentrating on one thing when my mind links to something else and the train goes off the rail on the previous synaptic connection. Don't get me wrong. I'm not senile. I think my brain takes a short leave of absence due to boredom. I eventually get back on track but who wants to continue on this train?

     And so the saga continues. Nothing much has changed over the past months except for my living status. I now rely on the kindness of others to keep a roof over my head. Yes, Yvonne has become a homeless waif. I cry for me. Even with all the past layoffs I never thought this economy would cast me on such a low rung in this life at my age. I always thought there would be a job waiting for me no matter how small the pay or the minimal hours. How wrong was I? Talk about feeling unwanted. I hear it's all about re-inventing yourself and giving new employers what they are asking for rather you feel suited to the task or not. Huh...reinventing myself is a viable option. I'm still a living, breathing, functioning, individual who can still get the job done. Whatever that job turns out to be. 
                                                                                                                                                              With nothing to do at this moment in my life but fill out applications and pray for the best outcome, I look in the mirror and see the old woman who constantly stares back and shakes her head in contemplative resignation. It's the graying hair that muddies the time line. I'm not really old, inside or out. Premature gray hair is a family trait. One I can do without and gladly so. Middle age. Middle of what? One and a hundred? No wander employers are ready to cast you aside for the 'quarter age'. We set the standard retirement age. I don't even know what that is. However, If you're the best at what you do then you're probably safe no matter how old you are. Am I still on track here or did my thoughts shift again?
                                                                November 29, 2011 

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