Desperately Seeking Something

Today I am seeking myself.
The most elusive creature
known to me. Always hiding
and shying away from living
in the light. Fearing, fearing,

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The N Word PART II


Nigger: Language, History, and Modern Day Discourse by Kevin Cato

A must read by my brown brothers and sisters who think it's okay to be called a nigger if  you share the same skin color.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


     Given the trials and tribulations we have overcome as a people of color, why do we have this incessant need to  continue to call each other  the one word that has been used to strip us of our humanity throughout history? We use it as a badge of acknowledgement and friendship among each other as though it was an endowment of love and not a word used to denigrate, humiliate, and keep us shackled to a slave mentality that refuses to be exorcised and regulated to the pass where it belongs.  We call each other 'nigga' as easily as we say 'brotha' and embrace it as a word of friendship in greeting. If someone of a different racial heritage  dared to use this word among us we'd be ready to shed blood for the insult that it is. Sure, you may say that the word has a different meaning coming from someone else because they meant harm, but I'm telling you that every time the word is used by anyone then harm is always being done. When a black man first called his brother 'nigga'  it wasn't said to embrace him  in love, he used it to elevate himself  because he saw himself as better than the other man. be continued...  

NDUGUYO: Your friend/brother/comrade in Swahili
MAUMBU: Sisters/brothers in Swahili                      
NIGGER(slang): Extremely disparaging and offensive.
                              A person of any race or origin regarded
                               as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

1184: Beautiful Old Age | D.H. Lawrence

1184: Beautiful Old Age D.H. Lawrence: "'Beautiful Old Age'
D.H. Lawrence

It ought to be lovely to be old
to be full of the peace that comes of experience
and wrinkled ripe fulfillment.

The wrinkled smile of completeness that follows a life
lived undaunted and unsoured with accepted lies
they would ripen like apples, and be scented like pippins
in their old age.

Soothing, old people should be, like apples
when one is tired of love.
Fragrant like yellowing leaves, and dim with the soft
stillness and satisfaction of autumn.

And a girl should say:
It must be wonderful to live and grow old.
Look at my mother, how rich and still she is! -

And a young man should think: By Jove
my father has faced all weathers, but it’s been a life!"


I'll be forty-seven on my next birthday and I can honestly say that I am not looking forward to being that much closer to fifty. I  am drawing nearer to that half century mark (sounds much worse when I say it this way) and I wish I had a do over. When I was a child I believed that by the age of forty I would be dead. Really, that's how I felt and when I actually pasted that mark of age I was surprised that life was still granted to me. I have come to realize that envisioning my death throughout my life has totally limited any aspirations I may have had for myself. I have nothing to show at life's departure that Yvonne was here. Others may beg to differ but I feel that I have walked this earth without leaving any footprints. I have not earned the gray hair on my head. It sprung up like measles when I was still a child and a lifetime of responsibilities were far from being envisioned. I have garnered no peace with growing old and I don't have a fallback plan. An expiration date still haunts me even now when I realize that I must form a plan of reinvention. The world's  circumstances dictate this coming change. I can no longer rely on past experiences to mark my spot in a place that doesn't recognize the non-descripted aged.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Okay, I don't really know where I want to go with this title. I was at the library earlier today and I was having one of those silent gas bombardments in the art section. Good thing I had the aisle to myself. When ever words accumulate in my mind (brain fart) and they sound like they might be worth writing down, that's what I do. This seemed at the time to be a funny subject to blog about. I wasn't actually thinking about discussing poots. I was thinking more on the subject of being forced to listen to something you could really care less about and yet there is someone in your face who just will not let it go. They just keep stinking up the room with the same old farts and not allow it to dissipate and let you take a decent breath of fresh air. Sometimes you gotta know when to squeeze out a silent one and either pretend it didn't happen or walk away. Just in case you don't know, I'm using the fart commentary as a euphemism for useless conversation. Something like this blog posting. Can you smell it?         

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Free will. Would you have it any other way?
You have choices to make. No one else dares to make them for you unless it’s your choice to allow them to do so. When we make what seems like the wrong decision and chaos ensues, we look for someone to blame. Our number one scapegoat? God, of course. When something bad happens (death, war, serious injuries, sickness, etceteras) we are quick to ask, ‘how could He allow this to happen’. ‘Why doesn’t He do something?’  Well, I say He did something during the Creation. He gave us the power to act for ourselves. There are tragedies in life. Accept them and you will be okay, maybe. God’s will, your will, life’s will. Sometimes when we are at our worst we are blessed with a true miracle. Sometimes we can be the engineers of someone else’s blessing. I won’t blame God when one doesn’t come my way. Okay, maybe for a brief second. I'm only human. I’ll just keep on praying and accept my limitations.            


The one I can not escape
The one who takes my shape
The one who rapes my thoughts
The one who change has caught
In a rotted web

Friday, January 28, 2011


I will pluck you up!
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                                                                Chicken happens to be one of America's favorite foods. It's a culinary delight that's very versatile in any cook's kitchen. I myself have been known to indulge in many tasty poultry cuisines and will undoubtedly do so again. One hears so many ugly stories about  chicken farming that could turn even the hardiest poultry connoisseur into a reluctant vegetarian. I would rather think of my food( before it made its way to my plate) as happy go lucky free rangers who never saw "it" coming. Bioengineering and force feeding? Grandma, where did we go wrong? But that's fodder for another story.